In ASG Cert GmbH we like to work in close cooperation with our client to reach one common goal: A successful ISCC certification.
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Our Services

The ISCC certification scheme is meant for companies who take part in the biofuel production chain who aim to demonstrate compliance with the Renewable Energy Directive (EU RED II) and the Fuel Quality Directive (FQD) of the European Commission. The scheme is no-deforestation standard with a strong commitment to protect forests, high-carbon stock lands and biodiversity. Any bio based fuel can be certified under ISCC.
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ISCC PLUS is a standard well-recognised by all stakeholders for recycled and bio-based materials which offers solutions for the circular economy and bioeconomy. ISCC PLUS certification provides traceability along the supply chain and verifies that companies meet environmental and social standards.
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The Company
ASG Cert GmbH was established in 2011 as Certification Body for the ISCC scheme. Since then we have developed a team of experienced auditors and verifiers and issued more than:
Certifications Worldwide
Please contact us if you require a certificate
ASG Cert GmbH
Trentiner Ring 30
86356 Neusaess, Germany